Our Services

HealthMan Projects (2008 – 2018)

PMB Review (2018)
NHI Implementation Plan (2018)
Competition Commission Private Healthcare Inquiry – Various Submissions and Meetings (2014/2015)
Coordinating industry response to Certificate of Need (CON) (2014)
Submissions to HPCSA on setting of Ethical Tariffs (2013/14)
Legal Action against BHF Regulation 8 challenge (2012)
Further interaction with DoH/CMS on Pricing Policy for the Private Sector (2011/2012)
RPL legal action against Department of Health (2010)
Input to DoH/CMS Pricing Policy Framework (2010)
Membership and participation in PMB Task Team of CMS (2010)
RPL Submissions (2008/2009)
Opposed National Health Amendment Act (2008)
Opposed HPCSA scrapping of ethical tariffs (2008)
Opposed HPCSA limitation of Doctor ownership in Health Establishments to 26%
Interaction with Funders on new coding submissions
Participation in Private Sector NHI Task Team
Responded to NHI Green Paper (www.nhisa.co.za)
Establishment of SACHI (South African Classification of Healthcare Interventions)
Review of new coding structures for SA – CPT Hybrid System
Formalised relations with IPA Foundation representing 3700 Private Practice GPs
Formalised and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SAMA
HPCSA Ministerial Task Team Investigation – SAPPF Submission
Intervention in Genesis Application to set aside Regulation 8 Cape High-Court and Constitutional Court hearings
Set up and coordinated multi-party SACHI meeting to discuss coding
Meeting with DoH to discuss changes to Reg 5 & 8 of MSA
Further submissions to and interactions with CompCom on Private Healthcare Inquiry
Responding to DoH amendments to Regulation 5 and 8 of MSA
Responding to Regulation 8 Challenge by Genesis Medical Scheme
Further interactions with CMS on Management of PMBs
Responding to NHI White paper (www.nhisa.co.za) – March 2016
Further interactions with Ministerial Task Team in Investigating the HPCSA
Strengthening of SACHI & future review of Coding Structures in SA Plus – Expanding SAPPF Membership to Non-Aligned Disciplines